Monday, March 9, 2015

Some microorganisms can multiply rapidly if we keep the food at room temperature below 5 C and ab

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Food security, as defined by the 2006 United Nations agency for food (FAO) exists when all people at all times have physical access, social and economic food sufficient safe and nutritious that meet daily energy needs and food preferences to lead a healthy and active life. This concept emerged in the 1970s and has evolved.
Food security beyond the notion of food self-sufficiency and should be distinguished from the concept of Food Safety, part of hygiene and food safety as well as the maintenance of their health.
1-Children are a group of people as a sensitive side your immune system is immature, so it does not have much capacity to fight infection, and another as its weight is less than an adult a small amount of food is altered enough to cause disorders.
1. Before you start preparing food and washing drying hands: you must be very thorough washing and drying hands, especially after changing diapers, have gone to the bathroom, or having touched any object or surface may be about pollution. It is necessary to protect the wounds, no coughing or sneezing on food and if you have vomiting and / or diarrhea dipping cabinet delegate the preparation of food in a healthy person. Use, where possible, better than paper towels rags, as they more easily dipping cabinet accumulate germs. Buy food in authorized establishments. Frozen: use isothermal bags marking the date of freezing food.
2. During food preparation Verify color, smell, if packaging is not inflated package. Frozen: thaw temperature refrigerator, never at room temperature. If you heat the food, make sure you at least get the 65 degrees, which is the minimum temperature of destroying germs. Fruits and vegetables: wash with plenty of cold water and / or peel
3. Finalizing food preparation Important consume food cooked in the following 2h, but put them in the fridge or freeze them. No recongelar already dipping cabinet thawed foods (less than thaw and refreeze raw cooked: defrost raw meat, cooking, then we can refreeze). Food preservation: dipping cabinet Avoid contact dipping cabinet between different kinds of food, fish-meat with cooked and raw products. If the food is consumed in a different place from where it has been cooked, transfer it in insulated dipping cabinet containers to keep the right temperature of the food. Food risk for children undercooked foods: eggs, crustaceans .. cheeses made from raw milk (made with milk that has been heated to a temperature above 40 C heat, or subjected to treatment having equivalent dipping cabinet effect).
Cooking dipping cabinet eliminates dangerous microorganisms and food reheating temperature sufficient to kill microorganisms that may have developed during food preservation. Cool
Some microorganisms can multiply rapidly if we keep the food at room temperature below 5 C and above 65 C the growth of microorganisms is delayed or stopped. Tips for preparing food with egg
The egg is a food high value nuritritiu and a good source of protein. But it is also sensitive to food contamination and bacterial multiplication. How we choose eggs on the time of purchase?
When we choose to buy the shell clean and full. The shell dirty and contaminated by germs contained inside the egg. How do we preserve the eggs? Separated from the rest of the food and the refrigerator. Wash the egg is unnecessary and can facillities pollution. As we prepare foods that contain eggs? Do not use eggs that have exceeded the date preferable. Wash hands after handling abas and eggs. By breaking the

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