Saturday, May 23, 2015

The draft also speaks about damage to grassland birds without foxes has been shown to play a role i

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Although international regulations and is extremely harmful in breach of nature, remain counties issue permits for the night hunting of foxes. Next in line is Gelderland. The course also served Faunabescherming in its view on the draft, hoping to get this extremely animal and nature unfriendly plan table.
The Benelux Convention prohibits the nighttime hunt explicitly, also hunting that takes place under the guise of "management and damage control." It not only causes a lot of disruption for all the animals, the risk of injury to animals at night is much higher than during the day. Looking up injured and wounded animals to save them from their suffering, in the dark almost impossible. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Economic Affairs to deviate from the Benelux Convention to prevent damage. But only if the proper application can be substantiated. And that is not the case in England. Significant damage to livestock
One of these exceptions can be, for example, the protection of poultry. In wildlife management plan was used giving chicken farmers themselves, and not from official damage assessments of independent experts. In addition, the damage has not been specified by company; a proper assessment of the damage is impossible. Even though the amounts are correct, it could still be no basis for an exemption. The chickens holder must have taken the necessary measures ellie barker to protect his chickens from foxes and other predators. A good fence and a good night closed area are usually sufficient to keep out foxes. ellie barker Damage to fauna
The draft also speaks about damage to grassland birds without foxes has been shown to play a role in this. The main causes of the decline in the number of farmland birds are things like drainage, intensification of land use and early mowing. This is also evident from the research report ellie barker 'Predation by grassland birds' of Sovon and Alterra. The researchers concluded that the fox is just one of many predators, but also that the fox hunts for precisely that other predators! Foxes kill means that other predators can increase in number. The researchers concluded furthermore that predation of chicks has a much greater impact on the overall breeding success than predation of nests. And precisely birds are two to four times as often responsible for chick predation than mammals, "The fox seems to be no major chick predator." Optimizing conditions for birds and the favorable advantage of the situation for foxes seems to be much more effective. Grouse
Gelderland keeps the fox also responsible for the extinction of the black grouse. This is not true. Research has shown that lack of food is the main cause of poor breeding success of this species. There is no evidence that the fox is responsible for the decline. Ineffective
The fox is already on the national ellie barker exemption list. That means that the animal may be hunted year-round during the day. In order to eliminate the protection of the fox, also during the night, but there has to be a very good reason, and that does not exist in this case. It has never been shown to kill foxes is effective. Altenburg & Wymenga wrote in their report, "The foxes problems surrounding the Lauwersmeer" that culling is not a sustainable solution: "As long as no more foxes are shot over a year are born and survive their first year, the effect of culling is usually imperceptible."
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