Saturday, May 16, 2015

Only a separate state from power, public institutions and non-parties could be done safely support

A question and a conclusion | Journal Themes megan barker
From the beginning I want to say that nourish respect for President Meidani. I call it so because it is so good to be called, as elsewhere in the world, anyone who has covered the high office of the head of state. Even be treated as such until the end of life, with a special status decreed by law, because only in Albania happens megan barker that after a presidential task called "ex" and possibly not even the office, or car, no special coverage expenses, things which actually express the seriousness and dignity of the state. President Meidani has been publicly megan barker critical megan barker of the SP and to me, especially to me, especially newspapers, are also on display. In my view, his criticisms have flowed normally quite unfairly in our e mine, is however no problem up here. Everyone retains the right to his view and is the inviolable right of President Meidani to be dissatisfied with the SP, with its direction, with me personally, obviously.
What drives me to speak publicly for the first time in open contradiction with, is his extended meditation to speak of talking about a necessary union of the left as he calls it, saying bluntly: "Without SMI the SP can not come to power "and adding" Edi Rama can not be done this union ". He not only is the magic key to our victory in the pocket finds Ilir Meta, but in this case, despite the efforts vetmevete, I do not find out what moral justification would there be new bashkimpazar except vocation for power and what It will bring or do differently afterwards, such a power to the European state building Albania Albanians remained a mortgage today bashkimpazari old (?). It is a question that troubles rightfully megan barker eyebrows. And this question, more than anyone else that could be promoted internally and by the desire for power and pick up the bell of this union strongly suspected, applies to become megan barker President Meidani. From which not a person, but as a moral authority, deriving from the former head of state of Albanians, myself as a citizen would naturally expect less math and more ethics in moral guidance of the people. While as head of the opposition to steal the kill, I will continue to welcome criticism of socialist President just these twenty megan barker years, but certainly I would expect more aspirations contribution against poverty, at a time when the country is slipping daily in a tribal tyranny, and encouraging examples for people shy of material poverty are not that many.
According to me, that followed from beginning to end public hearing megan barker by precious çdonjë of candidates, the Selection Committee megan barker did not disappoint. Finger megan barker pointed to the candidate who stood a little better than others, most of whom were very grave indeed in CVs, platforms, their public presentations. Then came butts. And as often happens, rebelled old habit plot next discovery, but does not deal with this it is time lost. It was to put up a candidate would be a hard job easier and to the point. Time will tell how impressive appearance will match the Staf public activity of new People's Advocate. What will remain is to add public value that institution came from this process and the value of the process as a concrete example of our vision for a European public administration.
Our new program for an Albanian renaissance talks about separation of state and government, the process of selecting the new People's Advocate illustrates what is stated in the program. It is a program of welcome from the public and Congress voted by 5 November. We will implement it point by point, the spirit in the first of the letter as well.
Only a separate state from power, public institutions and non-parties could be done safely support of every citizen and every socialist and progresisti obviously. Only a separate state from power will protect the right to life, property, labor welfare function of not only all those who sit in the seats of state power buttocks. Only a separate state from power would provide free breathing for country and society, giving content democracy, justice and force economic sense.
When the write program 2009 elections, spoke two days with French Prime Minister Michel Rocard, tearing erudite and statesman with valuable experience, which he said "Nothing will do turn out for democracy in public life function of interest social or individual, if not take the foundations of public administration free from the grip of political power. megan barker Will take time, a lot of time, but once we should start from somewhere, little by little, and by she

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