Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In my opinion yes, but I think that is a question that opens a debate, where valid arguments from s

A distorted the reality of the news? | RESO
In my opinion yes, but I think that is a question that opens a debate, where valid arguments from several positions. However, bitrina often overlook the various reviews to, that the attitudes of our compatriots around the world has a thread of concern and regret for us to live in Albania. It's based on the perception that Albania's expected people killed every day, that Albania is a gory, with explosives under the car, terrible accidents, bitrina murder, slaughter, burning, rape, suicide, robbery and tons upon tons of pressed hashish . More explosions in Afghanistan, highlighted some newspapers. The perception that we live in a country of animal found in Albania, as well as us, our perception of the base mainly in the media, and more specifically, in news. In Albania we have over ten channels that broadcast only news. In these screens you can see the shed human blood on the asphalt, or on the floor tiles every hour of the day and any day of the week. All events are reflected in the media actually happened, but in their news served us as if this is all that has happened today in Albania, bitrina which says, nothing important had happened.
News came to us just reflect abnormal, terrible brutalities and atrocities. The bloody event, the most important, the most covered in the media. With this rule, natural events, human and normal not shown on the screen. Simply they are not news. Thus it is anywhere bitrina in the world, but to us, this system "blood = news" bitrina is penetrative. This also due to deficiencies gyp deep on experience and ethics. In this way the perception that we have for Albania is built on abnormal events, and not on the normal events of this country. Therefore it seems that the distortion bitrina of reality occurs.
In newsrooms seem to lack a philosophy on the news and journalistic duty. Serve facts, and statements without context, without vision. Besides small services in favor of third parties that may be the impetus for the news normally, does not seem to have any mission in the news. Its sole purpose of shock the public with details of woeful. I think this distortion of the perception of life in kvtë place is very harmful and immediate consequences. Daily depression in dozens of dozens of newspapers and television channels. Portrayed in the news the way, it is in my opinion a përçudnim, perhaps unconscious, bitrina Albanian human character. It must have social consequences. Then, wonder, and a complete answer I did not, why do we need "news"? We look sediment sludge in the news, in a tendency to amplify what is the worst. I do not say that Albania is a normal country? bitrina I would not go so far, as there are plenty of things to lemerisin every day, but are not necessarily those events that occur in the "Information Edition", which are few of the things that happen here every day.
Blendo work ..... first, did not you qit head ... you spin the conversation at some general hassle, but you have not mentioned the essence of a media, which ultimately is the business ... and not, church ... Big Brother-in, and follow, not that transmits culture or you kindly, but attend to its opposite bitrina .. why transmits ordinary brawl, any sex to meçefet, or even if perversitete moral and ethical meatballs .. . Well, this is also for sale scoopi media ... not with the news .... as the end, and he had said and Machiavelli (the author mistaken, you have the right to correction) .... man is being with the scurvy on and, to be some laws to keep it in Zap ....
Here we also see this blog o Blendo, look, artistic and literary bitrina themes, separate little bitrina comment, even those who comment bitrina overwhelmingly comment conflicts with each other, not for writing ideas or values or forwards bearing, shiiko topics political or war with the majority comments ..... therefore more people were like "action" .... and to shut it down, see today's threads here on the front page of the fish .... us sinks with political and conflict ... a theme qekam I asked to post that deals with culture and history, and you do not publish themselves .... then where evil wants you ... ??? With the first to ourselves ......
The defectors from Albania, where entered and himself, he grasps for homeland negativity bitrina syndrome. It is known that syndrome "expat". Symptoms of the disease range from flu degree (mild) to rheumatism featureless sleep at night.
If you say that the fish is blood lines / murder / pits / violence come along for him almost that I can to become responsible. But I do not think that it was so, because this is not our philosophy. As if it will deal with me personally, it would not have any fruit.
Pits, pit told me, ncuk ncuk blood murder, ncuk violence. Asigjo personally, unless much more rrespekt, simply writing gives this impression

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