Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Many Gaels and progressive activists throughout the world will be drawing inspiration and courage th

Many Gaels and progressive activists throughout the world will be drawing inspiration and courage this week from the powerful memory of Irish hunger glass display cabinet striker Bobby Sands as we commemorate 33 years since he gave his life for Irish freedom and a better world. glass display cabinet Therefore, it s both topical and fitting that prisoners suffering under intense brutalisation on the other side of the Atlantic are being inspired by Bobby s unyielding spirit as they fight back against injustice. My friend and comrade, Denis O Hearn, who wrote a wonderful biography of Bobby Sands and who is a renowned prison activist, described a special event he attended in March last year. It was in Ohio state prison, that two death row prisoners celebrated the former MP s 60th birthday. These were Bomani Shakur and Jason Robb, along with three others, who are awaiting execution for their parts in a prison uprising in Lucasville, Ohio in 1993. There is no evidence that any of the five was involved in any killings glass display cabinet that took place during the uprising but they led a movement to convince prisoners not to inform on other prisoners regarding any events that took place during the uprising. Bomani and Jason were offered deals by the state of Ohio to get very reduced sentences if they testified against other prisoners but they refused to do so and chose to save their souls at the possible cost of their lives. As punishment, the state fabricated glass display cabinet evidence glass display cabinet of guilt and withheld evidence of their innocence and stage-managed a series of trials that resulted in death penalties. The five men remain steadfast friends and comrades. Two are white, two black, one a Sunni Muslim.
In January 2011, after reading accounts of the Irish hunger glass display cabinet strikes of 1980-81 and of the life of Bobby Sands, three of the men went on hunger strike to demand contact with each other and open visits, where they could touch their friends and family and break bread together glass display cabinet with them. This we have been doing since the victorious end of their hunger strike, although Bomani and Jason remain chained to separate picnic tables during the visits They bought a small cake from the vending machine in the visiting room. Jason, who is an accomplished artist, used the crayons and paper from the childrens play area of the visiting room to make birthday cards reading “Happy Birthday Bobby” glass display cabinet and “Always Remember.” He constructed a birthday candle from paper, with a “flame” on the top, to decorate the cake. Together we celebrated Bobby’s glass display cabinet life and his ongoing contribution to freedom everywhere.
After the victorious hunger strike in Ohio, other prisoners around the United States read about Bobby and the Irish hunger strikers. Last year 30,000 men in California’s prisons went on hunger strike against solitary confinement. They organized the strike from a small area of isolated confinement called the short corridor that resembles nothing so much as the H-Blocks at their height of inhumanity, although these men do not even have windows in their cells. The men who organized the strike are African-American, Latino, and White.
Is iomaí Gael agus díograiseoir forásach glass display cabinet ar fud an domhain a bheas ag tarraingt spreagtha glass display cabinet agus uchtaigh ó chuimhne chumhachtach an stailceora ocrais Bobby Sands an tseachtain seo agus muid ag comóradh trí bliana is tríocha ó thug sé a bheatha ar son saoirse na hÉireann agus domhan níos cothroime. Ach is tráthúil agus féiliúnach go bhfuil príosúnaigh faoi bhrúidiúlacht mhillteanach ar an taobh eile den Atlantach ag baint tairbhe as teachtaireacht neamhgheilliúil Bobby agus iad ag streachailt in aghaidh na héagóra. Rinne mo chara Denis O Hearn, a scríobh an bheathaisnéis glass display cabinet iontach ar shaol Bobby Sands agus atá ina ghníomhaí príosúin aitheanta, cur sios ar imeacht speisialta ar fhreastail sé air siar i mí Mhárta na bliana seo. Is i bpríosún stáit Ohio a rinne beirt chimí sraith an bháis 60ú ceiliúradh breithlae in ómós d iarfheisire parlaiminte Sands. Is iad Bomani Shakur and Jason Robb agus triúr eile, atá bású i ndán daofa mar gheall ar ról s acu in Éirí Amach in Lucasville, Ohio in 1993. Níl fianaise ar bith a cheanglaíonn ceachtar den chúigear do na máruithe a thit amach le linn an éirí amach ach gur threoraigh siad na príosúnaithe gan aon eolas a scaoileadh leis na húdaráis fán mhéid a tharla i rith na n-imeachtaí. Rinne stát Ohio beart a thairiscint do Bomani and Jason le téarmaí príosúntachta laghdaithe dá mbá rud é go raibh siad sásta sceitheadh ar na príosúnaithe eile ach dhiúltaigh siad agus d fhulaing siad píonós neamthrócaireach mar gheall air. Mar phíonós, chum an stát fianaise ciontachta ina n-éadan agus rinne siad fianaise eile a léirigh soineantacht s acu a choinneáil faoi cheilt, rud a chiallaigh gur chríochnaigh an triail leo bheith daortha chun báis. D fhan cairdeas buan idir an cúigear fear ó shin i leith. Beirt fhear geal, beirt fhear gorm agus Moslamach Sunnaíoch amháin. I mí Eanair 2011, faoi thionchar ó stailc

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