Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No, are not three but two years of this parliament and boycott lasted only six months, for a goal t

Exclusive interview of opposition leader Edi Rama: "This is not a democracy that allows rotation through the vote, is a llumokraci ... This is not a battle of one party to another, but of a people taken hostage ..."
President of the Albanian opposition left, chairman of the Socialist Party Edi Rama, in an exclusive interview for "English", the state of democracy in the country today defines as llumokraci. deli case Main opposition leader determines how public dilemma not the issue: ".. who comes tomorrow in the government, but who have to leave the government." While suggests a new political attitude President Topi expressed for new presidential elections in the country and to the opposition demand for constitutional changes. For opposition leader, his political opponent, Prime Minister Berisha ... "... is seeking the mark of history as a gambler deli case requires destruction in the door of the casino by entering the final touch despite family home".
Forgiveness is the first question today, next year, forever, in a country that claims to good governance is not what the opposition deli case do, what his government is doing what the government and intransigent (?). Then comes the opposition of the opposition obviously raises this question and makes the will do what it can. But basically, in my opinion, deli case the crisis that is eating more and more Albania, there is likely to be resolved if s'kuptohet by all those concerned of the government anti-democratic course that today there is no longer any place aside, no gap to play the role of the third truthful without being directly involved in the battle, no chance as Albania Sali swallows pieces, without violating freedom fret rights wherever tread, anyone who do not like the opposition, for whatever reason, pastry The right of pastry however, be comforted in the corner of his impartiality deli case by turning left blame the opposition for the spirit that is taken at that angle. As for the opposition the new course is announced, we won the May 8 election as opposition resistance, the next elections will win as an alternative government, with everything we have at heart, in mind and in hand. Which of those you summarize in terms of Albanian public deli case environment that its legitimate right, opposition dislikes approach, its shares deli case words, let them do the opposition in his own way, without forgetting for a moment Albania today is not the problem of the opposition is the government. So rich, in my humble opinion, deli case the Opposition, which is much broader than the official opposition, that party, which can not exhaust can not here, in the darkness of this stërkufizuar democratic country, but nowhere, nor in the light of greater democracy, all citizens exigencies of opposition to the government. While making the country without opposition instead of opposition, from some moral superiority ruggedness on the parties, that some award give yourself to sleep comfortably after having impartial judge in Albania at a time when the party in power kills, deli case steals, lies black on black day, is like working without the benefit of priests who deal with sex as the angels were falling walls of Constantinople.
In nearly three years opozitarizëm deli case you have favorite resort and semi-boycott parliamentary boycott. Is there a possibility that the new parliamentary session to have such a relationship again the opposition in parliament?
No, are not three but two years of this parliament and boycott lasted only six months, for a goal to reach the end of the boycott, which was the placement of the issue of the election crisis in Albania desk jobs here and elsewhere in the world which has an office that deals with our country. While semi-boycott do not know what, but if you refer to the fact that we have refused to vote being present in the Assembly, it is connected with the source of the runway present mandate of the majority to govern Albania, access to again it has given its results in terms of increasing deli case the overall sensitivity of the major election issue. All now know, in Albania and in the world, that this country is no normal elections, but elections cungëta who does not meet international standards. Undoubtedly, the story of the ugly cover, which we did sacrifice public with no small cost to ourselves in two years, deli case and put great farce of Tirana the CEC of the Electoral College. Which is faithfully reported by the international arbitrator, the ODIHR mission with his admirable chief Jonathan Stonestreet. deli case Today one who does not see and hear, refuses to run Sali finger that shows the guilty.
In a kind of perspective, your opponents and skeptics simultaneously, you qualify as battles kryeopozitar strong but unsuccessful results. As an example take the balance of the last elections of 2009 to those of 8 May. It can be added to these balances and the presidential election in 2012?
I'm not in charge of a armed movement, but I have the great honor to lead a political party after 2005 has retained k

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