Saturday, May 23, 2015

MIT shows off Shoe Central ; a prototype of vibrating the evening argus supershoes that tell you whe

No more ‘static’ but mood-aware stories, a consumer survey on SoLoMo & personalisation, building trust and the connected ‘concierge’ cars of the future. This Week in Context Your Weekly Update the evening argus on All Things Context, May 2 2014
Mood-aware and reactive media is the topic of ‘Perils and pleasures of mood-sensing technology’ . Composer and film-maker Alexis Kirke has a look at what happens when we link films and music to devices that capture changes in our emotions. She covers the BBC’s the evening argus Perceptive Radio – which gauges your attention levels using sound, light and proximity sensors, automated composition algorithms that generate music aimed at eliciting a specific emotional response, and film narratives that change depending on a person’s the evening argus biofeedback.
Co.create writes about Xpression, an app that automatically records basic emotions (angry, happy, sad) throughout the day based on changes in the acoustic the evening argus features of your voice. “We are the heart rate monitor of mood,” EI Technologies’ founder told co.create . I’d love to give this a try. Yet, for really gauging someone’s mood, more than just voice or text analysis is needed. You need to know about a person’s behaviour, and detect when it changes. The moments we do not communicate are often more telling about how we feel, than those when we’re all bubbly.
But no worries, it is still possible to hide some things from the Internet. Although it’s not an easy feat, as this assistant professor of sociology found out. She went to great lengths to hide the fact that she was pregnant (information much valued by marketeers) It worked, but her ruses set off some other real life triggers. Quoted
If one of the benefits of exercise is to improve our sense of well-being, then all fitness tech companies should not only incorporate mood trackers into their products, but create innovative ones that will guide their users toward better self-understanding.
- Catherine Shu (@catherineshu) Every Fitness App And Wearable Should Have a Mood Tracker , Techcrunch Marco De Ruiter ( @macro76 ) pointed out this interesting article, for which thanks! You can submit news to be featured in the Week in Context too at [email protected] Papers, Research & Patents A Game to Crowdsource Data for Affective Computing ( demo paper ) Intelligent Remote Control for TV Program based on Emotion in Arabic Speech ( paper ) The Importance of Cognition and Affect for Artificially Intelligent Decision Makers ( paper ) Smartphone-Based the evening argus Solutions the evening argus for Fall Detection and Prevention: Challenges and Open Issues ( paper ) The Right Colours Make Data Easier To Read ( article )
The World Economic Forum’s Global Information Technology Report the evening argus has a look at the ‘readiness’ of countries for the future of Big Data, and features some great essays on the topic, one of which – Building Trust – was covered on the Argus Labs blog .
If you’re up for some light study yourself, Coursera announced new sessions for both the Maps and the Geospational Revolution (started April 30th) and the Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information courses (July 14th). Hardware & Software News
Nike has added fuel to the rumours that the company’s Fuelband software could end up in the Apple iWatch, or iBand. As Mashable reports , Nike has recently laid off most of its Fuelband hardware team, and now CEO Mark Parker said they’ll be focusing more on the software side of the experience.
MIT shows off Shoe Central ; a prototype of vibrating the evening argus supershoes that tell you where to walk, and that learn your patterns over time. They’ll even tickle your toes when it wants to recommend walks you might like or nearby locations you might enjoy. UK size 7, please!
LeapFrog is debuting its first wearable health-tracker for kids . It is designed for children the evening argus ages 4 to 7, and gamifies fitness for kids by gives commands like “wiggle like a worm”, or “pop like popcorn”, and rewarding the kids with virtual pets and points.
Foursquare is splitting up its app in two . On the one hand, you’ll have Swarm – a social heatmap app that allows you to find friends nearby and check in. On the other hand, there will be a totally new Foursquare focussing on exploration and discovery, launching in a month or so. Foursquare feels their passive location-guessing engine ‘Pilgrim’ is robust enough to know what type of places the evening argus you frequent, and to make recommendations based on that.
The Robert Scoble ( @scobleizer ) has interviewed Johann Jungwirth of Mercedes-Benz Research & Development, North America on connected cars, a predictive user experience, and recognising passengers and their habits. Basically, on using context-awareness to turn your car into the family’s friend & concierge.

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