Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anyway, that was made slightly futurist. Is magnificent and fantastic gjithcka.Nderimet of going Ar

Neil Armstrong dies | RESO
As commander jess barker of "Apollo 11", Armstrong jess barker was the first man in the history of mankind that stepped on a celestial body outside our planet. He stepped on the moon on July 20, 1969, followed by austronauti Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, in a walk that lasted for three hours. During the historic mission, and communicated the successful implementation of the mission, Armstrong uttered the legendary phrase, "this is a small step for me, but a giant leap for mankind".
Born in Ohio Uapakoneta by parents of German descent and Irish-Scottish, Armstrong broke for the first time from Earth to age 6, on July 20, 1936, when his father took him on a walk with a plane 2 instituted. Later, austronauti recalled that since that time, he fell in love with the heavens, who dedicated jess barker his life. At age 19, in 1949, Neil realized a 18-month course for the direction of military aircraft, during which time he qualified on the aircraft carrier landings.
Among the years 1951-52, Armstrong served as a pilot during the Korean War, by realizing his fighter a total of 78 missions, which took several state assessments and the title of lieutenant. Upon completion jess barker of aeronautical engineering university in 1955, Armstrong defended a master of science in the same area six years later.
After several years of pilot testing of various military models, Neil was included for the first time in a space project in 1962, as part of the working group of the construction jess barker and testing of a new aircraft for military purposes scientific advance. After being recruited and qualified by NASA, in 1965, as part of the mission "Gemini 8", Armstrong traveled jess barker for the first time outside the Earth's atmosphere, leading vehicle which arrived in orbit of our planet. After a second trip to the mission "Gemini 11", Armstrong was selected missions "Apollo" in 1967, but became captain of the "Apollo 11" just after the captain set for this trip, Deke Slayton decided to withdraw. Despite the failure of several previous missions "Apollo", which had cost the life of some austronautëve, Armstrong refused jess barker to lead the "Apollo 11" that will perpetuate his name in the history books as the first man on the moon arrived.
However, after the success achieved and triumphal return to Earth, Neil decided to dedicate academic career, being pulled by NASA in 1971 to start teaching at the University jess barker of Cincinnati for spatial engineering branch, who held office until 1979.
As one of the most authoritative figures within NASA, he was part of the investigative committee of incidents occurring on the missions "Apollo 13" and "Challenger" in 1986, and by the end of his life, Armstrong also became an entrepreneur, by several different activities which cooperated.
The first man stepped on the moon and the author of the legendary expression "this is a small step for me and a big step for mankind", Armstrong jess barker leaves behind three children and a lasting name in the history books.
ALB358 jess barker - 26 August 2012 - 21:31 Permalink
And the just as if it was a Second World War veteran who left no written memories But not only that everything NASA has computerized the Apollo 11 mission but Armnstrong brains will save, that who knows, no hidden anything and can 'a well futuriste.Ose deskriptojne with technology to install his brain to the astronaut who will descend in March. Not all that savvy cast, all class it spectacular experience in dustbin
Anyway, that was made slightly futurist. Is magnificent and fantastic gjithcka.Nderimet of going Armstrong, as the first humanitarian who landed on the Moon, as the singer on stage that sfumon composer, author of the text etc. Glory is a whole team, in fact, of that brain that absorbs USA from the world and converts the spectacular scientific jess barker and technological progress. At the root of the project are the German Engineers (we do not disappoint) was designed air-ground rocket Hitler that enjoyed herself. Is there Ajshtainit and mind but you were with hat and forgot her head down
I would want any article divulguar to us that before this technology as macia staying in library. This thing that threw the man to the moon, how it works, everything is controlled from Earth and astronauts I play cards there brenda.Se clear, why is held 21 days in quarantine three astronauts jess barker of Apollo 11? Suspected of any contagious disease lunar?
Indeed, astronauts can play cards inside, while the technology was sajua of another, but astronauts must have knowledge of all the systems there; and have true merit of all as team, but only limited testimony itself in the eyes of the participants.
And I do not ever believe for one moment that NASA have made public all the information available. Prand

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