Saturday, January 17, 2015

Opponents were declared traitors of the country that is in opposition best buy colonial heights va

"Our nation - any nation - is beautiful and a great place to live as citizens make it. His leadership can be good, bad or indifferent, but if the people are awake (ki-educated?) To self-identify, it will take longer represent the view of society best buy colonial heights va and change the thoughts and aspirations of the nation. "Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
IN the second part of this article I concluded that as opposition grows so will become best buy colonial heights va structurally identical to the CCM and the actions of its officials. I promised conclude my presentation by defining the concept of a similarity to the CCM.
I end this article by describing some of the indicators vunavyofanya a start conforming to the CCM. The first one is the use of the concept of betrayal. When we started multiparty CCM nineties best buy colonial heights va widely used concept of betrayal in kuvidhoofisha opposition. That opponents are puppets of whites best buy colonial heights va and used in destroying the peace of the country.
Opponents were declared traitors of the country that is in opposition best buy colonial heights va to the ruling party kilicholeta peace, stability and solidarity. CCM did not oppose opposition to the move, but for kuwaaminisha citizens that these are dangerous people. Initially best buy colonial heights va citizens agreed with this idea and required courage best buy colonial heights va in discern that you're opponent. But it was only a matter of time.
Finally, the fact was known to the public now understands that yet even opponents are Tanzanians with good intentions and their country, and they competed in the most efficient manner to dominate and run the country. Now more than twenty years after the introduction of multi-party system, opposition and they begin to use the same approach to the concept of betrayal at the turn off sound criticism within their organizations. That today any member who dares to criticize officials called a traitor.
Again betrayal itself is where a member has dared to want to run for a position of leadership and appears to have the potential to win that position he wishes. Such member shall be declared the entire world that is a traitor and is used by the ruling party in a hamper. But the fact is that the whole concept of democracy is based on arguments refractory competition in elections. Absolutist and possess a communist concept.
In a communist system, leaders are accurate at all and anyone who criticized best buy colonial heights va it be great traitor. As well as in the form of kikomunisit leaders best buy colonial heights va come from a small group leadership best buy colonial heights va chosen by anyone who is not appointed by this group is a traitor and fit. This is how the CCM ilivyojengwa in the past and that's why Oscar Kambona women had to flee the country when they desire can climb the highest levels of leadership when they did not leave in the company of the elect.
Now today when the whole world abandoning communism, opposition parties are the first communist They wear culture of betrayal kuwambambikizia their members best buy colonial heights va who dared to criticize the leaders to aspire to higher positions of leadership within their organizations. Concept of betrayal in the opposition MPs who built also go against the principles of their parties.
For example, right now there are some MPs who come from parties forming best buy colonial heights va the group they had decided to go against their parties to attend sessions of the Constitutional Assembly Special persistently best buy colonial heights va in Dodoma. best buy colonial heights va These MPs have announced worldwide that are traitors and they told be driven at any time to proximity to the parliament of the court. This also is an indication of provincialism and misunderstanding the concept of democracy in a multi-party system. The fact is that in the culture of the multiparty system there occurs a few legislators have independent positions and their parties. This is because the vision of the service of the MP always guided by four elements, which are his own will, the people of his state, nation and his party.
The event that there is a conflict of kiutashi between these factors, the legislator has the right to decide the best person you sent her understanding. For reasons that I explained above is very common around the legislators go against their parties' positions. For example, in April this year 20 MPs of the Party Conservatives in Britain were opposed to the bill that had been proposed best buy colonial heights va by Prime Minister David Cameron to allow enforcers to enter a distance of 500 meters of private houses at any time for searching for security reasons .
This bill was passed by mbinde after support from MPs of the opposition Labour party. best buy colonial heights va Also in March last year, Conservatives MPs, including the Minister of the Environment, Owen Paterson, were opposed best buy colonial heights va to homosexuality bill proposed by the government and passed only after the parliamentary support of the Labour Party.
But these MPs Conservatives were not called best buy colonial heights va traitors. John McCain is a prominent member and veteran of the Republicans in the United States. This is known as a 'maverick' because of his stances independent MP who has been going against the principles y

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