Large basket, trodden buffalo,
Aggressive behavior that occurs in the school environment if not immediately addressed, in addition to be able to interfere with the learning process, it will also cause students tend to adapt to bad habits. Such a situation will form the students to emulate and behave aggressively barket anyway, so the aggressive behavior of students barket in the school is considered normal barket and will widen. In the optimistic view, the behavior agesif not a behavior which in itself is in humans (not innately given), but it is a behavior that is formed through experience and education.
Thus, students who have aggressive behavior, through experience and education behavior can be changed to a more positive behavior. Many studies conclude barket that aggressive behavior associated with low social skills of children, in addition, it is also associated with lower child's ability to organize / manage his emotions. Thus, by learning barket social and emotional skills, aggressive behavior in school students are expected to be reduced.
Introduction Schools, should be a fun, safe and healthy place, a place where students can develop their potential to the fullest. However, entry into the school environment for a student is not always fun, maybe the opposite could make them stress, anxiety and fear. The shadow of impending violence when entering the school environment often haunt students.
Aggressive behavior of students in schools has become a universal problem (Neto, barket 2005), and lately tends to increase. News about the involvement of students in various forms of violence, barket fights, fights, and other acts of violence are increasingly being heard. Aggressive behavior of students in the school is very diverse and complex. The problem of aggressive behavior when students barket increasingly complex aggressive behavior lately is also demonstrated by the teacher, there are teachers who hit students, even up to kill students.
According to Todd, Joana, et al. (In Nataliani, 2006), in the form of physical violence and verbal among students has become a serious problem in many countries around the world. Aggressive behavior of the students have had a negative impact, both for the students themselves barket and for others. Children who experience violence will have problems in the future both in terms of health and well-being of his life
In connection with the aggressive behavior of students in the school, Wilson, et al. (2003: 136) states: "These behaviors, even when not overtly violent, may inhibit learning and create interpersonal problems for Reviews those Involved". Furthermore, citing the opinion of Goldstein, Harootunian, & Conoley, (1994), Wilson, et al. (2003) states: "In addition, minor forms of aggressive behavior can escalate, and schools that do not Effectively counteract this progression may create an environment in the which violence is normatively acceptable".
Thus, if the aggressive behavior that occurs in the school environment barket is not immediately addressed, in addition to be able to interfere with the learning process, it will also cause students tend to adapt to bad habits. The more often students are exposed to aggressive behavior, the student will be familiar with such a bad situation, the ability of students to adapt to aggressive behavior will be higher, and will develop the students' perception that the act is an act aggressively mediocre, especially if the situation is reinforced by the behavior of a number of teachers who tend to be aggressive as well when facing the students. Such a situation will form the students to emulate and behave aggressively anyway, so the aggressive behavior of students in the school is considered normal and will widen.
What is an aggressive behavior (aggressive behavior) ?, why aggressive behavior can emerge? and how treatment efforts, particularly in school settings ?. This paper attempts to describe the aggressive behavior and his form at school, theories about the causes of aggressive behavior, as well as some alternative treatment efforts.
Not beaten, his brash.
Before talking about the definition of aggressive behavior (aggressive behavior), it should be noted that there are some concepts whose meaning is still debated have differences, barket or similarities, with aggressive behavior, the concept is bullying and violence.
There is a suggestion that aggressive behavior is synonymous with bullying and violence, while others argue that bullying and violence is a sub-section (subset) of aggressive behavior. Debate barket concept is confirmed by O'Moore (tt: 1) as follows:
There is a tendency, at present, viewing towards aggression, bullying and violence a
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