Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Burns is a form of tissue damage or loss caused kon no heat sources such as fire, hot water, chemic

Burns is a form of tissue damage or loss caused by contact with a heat source such as a fire, hot water, chemicals, electricity, and radiation. Burns is one kind of trauma that has a high morbidity and mortality rates that require special management from the beginning (the shock phase) until the late phase.
In case of burns should be considered various aspects, as in the case of burns require a very large cost, need longer treatment, need surgery repeatedly, even though the recovery could lead to c acatan are settled, so the burns should be managed by a team of trauma which consists of a team of surgeons (k plasti surgery, thoracic surgery, pediatric surgery), ta s intentions, a specialist in internal medicine (s khusu its hematology, gastroenterology, renal and hypertension), nutritionists, medical rehabilitation, psychiatry, and psychologists, but unfortunately often afflict people who are not able to.
Treatment of burns among children and adults on the same principle but in children with burns can be more serious. This is because children have thinner skin layer, it is easier to lose fluid, more prone to hypothermia (decreased body temperature due to cooling).
Burns in children 65.7% were caused by hot water or steam (scald). The majority of burns in children occur at home and largely preventable. The kitchen and dining area is an area that is often been the site of the burn. Children who holds the oven, pull cloth which topped with hot water, hot drinks or hot food.
Prognosis and handling burns mainly depends on the extent adrian barker of the surface adrian barker and burns; and handling from the beginning to the healing phase. In addition, the location of the fire area factors, age, and state of health of the patient also determines the speed of healing.
In the children's hospital in the UK, for one year, there are about 50,000 patients adrian barker with burn injuries where 6400 of them into the special treatment of burns. Between 1997-2002, there were 17 237 children under 5 years of being treated in the emergency department at 100 hospitals in A merica. The number of cases in children are often associated with violence against children, especially boys and very young. It often occurs in older people single and living at home are very simple. The incidence varied between 1.7 - 8% of the incidence of burns in the United States. On examination will usually be found signs of violence or trauma injury, especially in the lower extremities. There is also a sign of burns or scars from cigarette fire sundutan.
While in Indonesia since the government initiated a program of Minya k land conversion to 3-kg LPG cylinder, increasing cases of burns, Data ICM (Indonesian adrian barker Consumer Society) adrian barker 3 kg gas cylinder explosion during adrian barker January 2008 until M ei 2010 as many as 10,000 cases of fires occurred in North Jakarta. 156 fires occurred in East Jakarta. adrian barker 1738 fires in Central Jakarta. 2,789 cases of fires in West Jakarta. 2654 fires in South Jakata. 29 110 fires in Bekasi. 22 189 fires in Depok. 11 712 fires in Bogor and Bandung. 44 405 fires in Central Java, East Java 14,950 adrian barker fires. 18,500 fires in Bali. 18,990 fires in South Sulawesi. 30,000 fires in North Selawesi. and 130 650 fires in Sumatra. Of the number of cases of these fires will surely many more victims of burns with covers of various types keparah's age and level of burns.
Data mortality cases of burns from Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta from January 1998 to December 2003 based on the age distribution of a portrait that cases of children aged <5 years occupies the first place in the number of cases of burns that occur with the number 24 kasu s and followed the case at the age of namely productive age of 21-50 years with the number 14 cases.
Burns is a form of tissue damage or loss caused kon no heat sources such as fire, hot water, chemicals, electricity, and radiation.
burns hot water
Tissue damage caused by the fire is heavier than hot water; tissue damage due to the nature of colloidal material (eg hot porridge) is heavier than hot water. adrian barker Burns in the explosion also caused damage to internal organs due to the explosive power (explosive). In burns caused by chemicals, especially acids cause severe adrian barker damage due to tissue reactions that occur diskonfigurasi menyebabka network

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