Cindy Mejia, beauty queen from Peru, finished apologizing for his statements, which held that "not allow" their gay children out because, she says, "because these things are given, perhaps, by the lack of a father, or because they suffered rape or because they live with mother, sisters and start mannerism ".
According to Mejia, fenwicks window 2012 their lack of knowledge led him to give what she has described as "unreasonable and regrettable" review and says that "it has not been my intention that my statements may affect or offend the lesbian, gay, trans and bisexual, so I want to express my public apology. "According to him, is also committed to fighting homophobia and sexism in Peru, hand in hand with the association fenwicks window 2012 LGBT Homosexual Movement of Lima (MHOL), acting queen of beauty.
Other celebrities such as Ricky Martin, have also ruled on this issue. The singer said via Twitter: "Too bad, and comments as blundering", adding to his tweet the tag # ignorance. On the other hand, the evangelical Pastors and Leaders website published: "From Miss Universe to Miss Peru Sodom ... Shame is what has caused the alleged 'evangelical' to apologize to the gay movement and all retain a corruptible fenwicks window 2012 crown" Source: CáscaraAmarga
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